Refine Technical Blog
A resource for Refine, front-end ecosystem, and web development. Here, we publish insightful articles that demystify complex concepts, explore new trends, and provide helpful tips to enhance your coding journey.
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How to Create a GraphQL API with Python and Django
We will discuss how to create a GraphQL API with Python.
Dictionaries in TypeScript - How to Ensure Type Safety
This post is provides a guide on how to ensure type safety to dictionaries with TypeScript.
How to Use Nodemon to Automatically Restart Node.js Applications
This guide shows you how to install and use Nodemon to streamline your development process.
Introduction to Nest JS
In this article, we will discuss how to create a simple web application using NestJS and its major components.
4 Ways to Generate UUIDs in Node.js
We'll explore how UUIDs work in Node.js and how they can help keep data distinct and make your projects easier to scale.
Building components with Radix UI
This post explains with examples how the keyof operator is used to define advanced types in TypeScript.
Django REST Framework - How to use it to create APIs?
Explore the Django REST Framework and learn how to create APIs using it.
TypeScript keyof with Examples
This post explains with examples how the keyof operator is used to define advanced types in TypeScript.
Essentials of Managing Form State with React Hook Form
This post covers the essentials of form state management with React Hook Form library.
Tailwind Animations with Examples
Understanding the cleanup function of the useEffect hook in React. Learn how to clean up side effects in React components to prevent memory leaks and improve performance.