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useUpdateMany is an extended version of TanStack Query's useMutation. It supports all the features of useMutation and adds some extra features.

  • It uses the updateMany method as the mutation function from the dataProvider which is passed to <Refine />.

It is useful when you want to update many records at once.

If your data provider does not have a updateMany method, useUpdateMany will use the update method instead. It is not recommended, because it will make requests one by one for each id. It is better to implement the updateMany method in the data provider.


The useUpdateMany hook returns many useful properties and methods. One of them is the mutate method which is used to trigger a mutation with the given parameters.

import { useUpdateMany } from "@refinedev/core";

const { mutate } = useUpdateMany({
resource: "products",

ids: [1, 2, 3],
values: {
name: "New Product",
material: "Wood",

Realtime Updates

This feature is only available if you use a Live Provider.

When the useUpdateMany mutation runs successfully, it will call the publish method from liveProvider with some parameters such as channel, type etc. It is useful when you want to publish the changes to the subscribers on the client side.

Invalidating Queries

When the useUpdateMany mutation runs successfully, by default it will invalidate the following queries from the current resource: "list", "many", and "detail". That means, if you use useList, useMany, or useOne hooks on the same page, they will refetch the data after the mutation is completed. You can change this behavior by passing invalidates prop.

Refer to the query invalidation documentation for more information



mutationOptions is used to pass options to the useMutation hook. It is useful when you want to pass additional options to the useMutation hook.

Refer to the useMutation documentation for more information

mutationOptions: {
retry: 3,
onSuccess: (data, variables, context) => {
// Let's celebrate!
onError: (error, variables, context) => {
// An error occurred!


If you want loading overtime for the request, you can pass the overtimeOptions prop to the this hook. It is useful when you want to show a loading indicator when the request takes too long. interval is the time interval in milliseconds. onInterval is the function that will be called on each interval.

Return overtime object from this hook. elapsedTime is the elapsed time in milliseconds. It becomes undefined when the request is completed.

const { overtime } = useUpdateMany({
overtimeOptions: {
interval: 1000,
onInterval(elapsedInterval) {

console.log(overtime.elapsedTime); // undefined, 1000, 2000, 3000 4000, ...

// You can use it like this:
elapsedTime >= 4000 && <div>this takes a bit longer than expected</div>;

Mutation Parameters

Mutation parameters are passed to the mutate function and can also be provided as props to the useUpdateMany hook. Parameters given to the mutate function override those from the hook. Think of the hook's parameters as default values, and the mutate function's parameters as specific or dynamic values for each mutation.

import { useUpdateMany } from "@refinedev/core";

const { mutate } = useUpdateMany({
/* parameters */

/* this will override the parameters given to the useUpdateMany hook */

🚨 Parameters marked as required can be provided either as props to the useUpdateMany hook or as parameters to the mutate function.


It will be passed to the updateMany method from the dataProvider as a parameter. The parameter is usually used as an API endpoint path. It all depends on how to handle the resource in the updateMany method. See the creating a data provider section for an example of how resources are handled.

const { mutate } = useUpdateMany();

resource: "categories",

If you have multiple resources with the same name, you can pass the identifier instead of the name of the resource. It will only be used as the main matching key for the resource, data provider methods will still work with the name of the resource defined in the <Refine/> component.

For more information, refer to the identifier of the <Refine/> component documentation


It will be passed to the updateMany method from the dataProvider as a parameter. It is used to determine which records will be updated.

const { mutate } = useUpdateMany();

ids: [1, 2, 3],


It will be passed to the updateMany method from the dataProvider as a parameter. The parameter is usually used as the data to be updated. It contains the new values of the record.

const { mutate } = useUpdateMany();

values: {
name: "New Category",
description: "New Category Description",


Mutation mode determines which mode the mutation runs with. Mutations can run under three different modes: pessimistic, optimistic, and undoable. The default mode is pessimistic. Each mode corresponds to a different type of user experience.

Refer to the mutation mode documentation for more information

const { mutate } = useUpdateMany();

mutationMode: "undoable",


When mutationMode is set to undoable, undoableTimeout is used to determine duration to wait before executing the mutation. Default value is 5000 milliseconds.

const { mutate } = useUpdateMany();

mutationMode: "undoable",
undoableTimeout: 10000,


The onCancel property can be utilized when the mutationMode is set to "undoable". It provides a function that can be used to cancel the ongoing mutation.

By defining onCancel, undoable notification will not be shown automatically. This gives you the flexibility to handle the cancellation process in your own way, such as showing a custom notification or implementing any other desired behavior to allow users to cancel the mutation.

import { useRef } from "react";
import { useUpdateMany } from "@refinedev/core";

const MyComponent = () => {
const { mutate } = useUpdateMany();
const cancelRef = useRef<(() => void) | null>(null);

const updateItems = () => {
mutationMode: "undoable",
onCancel: (cancelMutation) => {
cancelRef.current = cancelMutation;

const cancelUpdate = () => {

return (
<button onClick={updateItems}>Update</button>
<button onClick={cancelUpdate}>Cancel</button>


NotificationProvider is required for this prop to work.

After data is fetched successfully, useUpdateMany can call the open function from NotificationProvider to show a success notification. With this prop, you can customize the success notification.

const { mutate } = useUpdateMany();

successNotification: (data, values, resource) => {
return {
message: `${data.title} Successfully fetched.`,
description: "Success with no errors",
type: "success",


NotificationProvider is required for this prop to work.

After data fetching is failed, useUpdateMany will call the open function from NotificationProvider to show an error notification. With this prop, you can customize the error notification.

const { mutate } = useUpdateMany();

errorNotification: (data, values, resource) => {
return {
message: `Something went wrong when getting ${}`,
description: "Error",
type: "error",


meta is a special property that can be used to pass additional information to data provider methods for the following purposes:

  • Customizing the data provider methods for specific use cases.
  • Generating GraphQL queries using plain JavaScript Objects (JSON).

Refer to the meta section of the General Concepts documentation for more information

In the following example, we pass the headers property in the meta object to the updateMany method. With similar logic, you can pass any properties to specifically handle the data provider methods.

const { mutate } = useUpdateMany();

meta: {
headers: { "x-meta-data": "true" },

const myDataProvider = {
updateMany: async ({
}) => {
const headers = meta?.headers ?? {};
const url = `${apiUrl}/${resource}`;


const { data } = await httpClient.patch(
{ ids, variables },
{ headers },

return {


If there is more than one dataProvider, you can specify which one to use by passing the dataProviderName prop. It is useful when you have a different data provider for different resources.

const { mutate } = useUpdateMany();

dataProviderName: "second-data-provider",


invalidates is used to specify which queries should be invalidated after the mutation is completed.

By default, it invalidates the following queries from the current resource: "list", "many" and "detail". That means, if you use useList, useMany, or useOne hooks on the same page, they will refetch the data after the mutation is completed.

const { mutate } = useUpdateMany();

invalidates: ["list", "many", "detail"],


If the mutation mode is defined as optimistic or undoable the useUpdate hook will automatically update the cache without waiting for the response from the server. You may want to disable or customize this behavior. You can do this by passing the optimisticUpdateMap prop.

When the mutation mode is set to optimistic or undoable, the useUpdate hook will automatically update the cache without waiting for a server response. If you need to customize update logic, you can achieve it by using the optimisticUpdateMap prop.

list, many and detail are the keys of the optimisticUpdateMap object. To automatically update the cache, you should pass true. If you don't want to update the cache, you should pass false.

const { mutate } = useUpdateMany();

mutationMode: "optimistic",
optimisticUpdateMap: {
list: true,
many: true,
detail: false,

In the scenario mentioned above, the list and many queries will receive automatic cache updates, whereas the detail query cache will remain unaffected.

If you wish to customize the cache update, you have the option to provide functions for the list, many, and detail keys. These functions will be invoked with the previous data, values, and id parameters. Your responsibility is to return the updated data within these functions.

const { mutate } = useUpdateMany();

mutationMode: "optimistic",
optimisticUpdateMap: {
optimisticUpdateMap: {
list: (previous, values, ids) => {
if (!previous) {
return null;

const data = => {
if ( !== undefined &&
.filter((id) => id !== undefined)
) {
return {
foo: "bar",

return record;

return {
many: (previous, values, ids) => {
if (!previous) {
return null;

const data = => {
if ( !== undefined &&
.filter((id) => id !== undefined)
) {
return {
foo: "bar",
return record;

return {
detail: (previous, values, id) => {
if (!previous) {
return null;

const data = {
foo: `bar`,

return {

Return Values

Returns an object with TanStack Query's useMutation return values.

Refer to the useMutation documentation for more information

Additional Values


overtime object is returned from this hook. elapsedTime is the elapsed time in milliseconds. It becomes undefined when the request is completed.

const { overtime } = useUpdateMany();

console.log(overtime.elapsedTime); // undefined, 1000, 2000, 3000 4000, ...

API Reference

Mutation Parameters

Resource name for API data interactionsstring
id for mutation functionBaseKey[]
Values for mutation functionTVariables{}
mutationModeDetermines when mutations are executed "pessimistic | "optimistic | "undoable""pessimistic"*
undoableTimeoutDuration to wait before executing the mutation when mutationMode = "undoable"number5000ms*
onCancelProvides a function to cancel the mutation when mutationMode = "undoable"(cancelMutation: () => void) => void
successNotificationSuccessful Mutation notificationSuccessErrorNotification"Successfully updated resource"
errorNotificationUnsuccessful Mutation notificationSuccessErrorNotification"Error when updating resource (status code: statusCode)"
metaMeta data query for dataProviderMetaDataQuery{}
dataProviderNameIf there is more than one dataProvider, you should use the dataProviderName that you will use.stringdefault
invalidatesYou can use it to manage the invalidations that will occur at the end of the mutation.all, resourceAll, list, many, detail, false["list", "many", "detail"]

*: These props have default values in RefineContext and can also be set on <Refine> component. useUpdateMany will use what is passed to <Refine> as default but a local value will override it.

Type Parameters

TDataResult data of the mutation. Extends BaseRecordBaseRecordBaseRecord
TErrorCustom error object that extends HttpErrorHttpErrorHttpError
TVariablesValues for mutation function{}{}

Return value

Result of the TanStack Query's useMutationUseMutationResult<{ data: TData }, TError, { resource:string; ids: BaseKey[]; values: TVariables; }, UpdateContext>*
overtime{ elapsedTime?: number }

* UpdateContext is an internal type.